After having many items on my PC that used to make me cry i decided it was time to delete them as they were having me in floods of tears on a daily basis; i did keep this one of a baby boxer. As you know i have a boxer and anything to do with the breed is close to my heart.
I have always been am emotional sort; maybe being a soppy Piscean does not help. Mum is emotional so i take after her. Dad has become emotional as he has gotten older and grandad was the same; Strong when young and emotional as he became older.
I don't know it's an illness or in bred but i cry when i see people happy; i cry when i see people sad. I'm worse with animals as i feel like they are defenceless and have no choices in their lives except the ones we make for them. As humans we are born; grow up and if we are lucky die in our 80's. Animals must wonder when their lives will end. Lambs have no life as are killed for their meat as are many other animals. So life is short. Dogs have an average age of 11-12 and what really annoys me is when your hear people saying " "it's only a dog"..I HATE that expression. I always ask if they have children and how they would feel if their son or daughter died at age 11-12. It waould be tragic. A lot of people who have pets have them because they cannot have children for one reason or another so it's a replacement so when they have to make a decision to end their lives is heart wrenching and a major loss so i think others should be more sympathetic in these situations.
Disabilty upsets me in anyone. But i suppose disabled people do not want sympathy but just to be accepted into society as human beings and do not like to be segregated as " different". However when you see them struggling in wheelchairs or unable to access a building as there is no ramp. On the aircraft if we are unlucky enough not ot have a jetty we have to send for a "High Loader" which elevates itself to door level and we whell on the chair and then it lowers. This segregates them from normality and it's not difficult to sense the feeling of "burden".
I have looked after many passengers in the past who have been flying to family funerals and are obviously distraught. I have spent many hours holding hands with crying ladies trying to offer some form or support. I have escorted them off the aircraft and retrieved their baggage for them before handing them over to a family member; friend or loved one who is picking them up. Many times they have been drugged for the flight so collecting luggage and finding their way out of a terminal building can be an assault course in itself so helping them eases the stress they are already under.
I sort of live in a Peter Pan world. I become very comfortable with life and parents and never want it to end. When it does with the loss of aunts/uncles it breaks the perfect cycle and causes me to step back to reality and face the truth. Im not the best when it comes to death and with my parents still alive i'm very lucky. They are both in their early 70's and i hope to have them for many years to come.
If i think of anything else i will update this blog.
Happy reading and dry eyes!!!