When Megan died on 7th December 2010 i was absolutely mortified but also wrapped up in so much drama and distress that i failed to realise how distraught i was really.
This week i have cried for Megan as i have tried to do an online photo album in her memory for Ged, the photographs of the holidays we had, the days at the beach, the drives in the car and walks to the park all came flooding back and she is a massive miss in our lives. The house is quiet, there is sometimes nothing to get out of bed for when i would normally have been up and out walking, the car still contains little memories and even the hoover has a few hairs in.
I have yet to get her collar and lead back after she last wore them to the vets and i know they will have her smell on them and i will just break down, all i want to do is hold her one more time, cuddle her and feel her in my arms but that will never happen as she is in a 8x4 wooden box on top of the fireplace, she still gets kissed and always will.
Even typing this has brought on the waterworks.