Since leaving big bad airways I have done numerous jobs, flown in senior position at EasyJet, A butler in a 5* hotel in Knightsbridge, Thomas Cook Airlines as crew, Norwegian Air before being made redundant, Census21 officer, Sales consultant at NEXT, Wardrobe sales, Chauffeur at Wimbledon Tennis Championships ( start on 7th June 2021)>
Lockdown had me clearing out attics, cupboards, wardrobes, drawers, garden sheds, and also Decorating the bathroom, Kitchen, Hallway, stairs, landing, bedrooms.
The garden has gained decking and raised beds made from tow old pallets and riddled soil from the compost bin, currently growing strawberries.
My friend Brian got himself a Old Tyme Bulldog puppy called Bilbo who is absolutely adorable, affectionate, loving and playful, he is now almost 3 years old and I have just had him for a 3 night stay while Brian took a sad journey to a funeral in Devon, Bilbo brightened each day with his antics and ability to love and show oodles of affection.
We have taken trips to numerous British Cities for stay overs and in 2019 had holidays in Malta and Montenegro, Winter saw us in Richmond Park checking our the deer and it actually snowed that day too.
I also purchased a new BMW convertible after years of being a good customer to Mazda and it was a great move, smooth ride, reliable and good on the eye
Dinner in a nice restaurant in Malta after a day on the sun.... obviously!!!
We did enjoy seeing the Christmas lights at Wisley Garden centre in 2020, we did not know if it would be cancelled or not with the pandemic but it went ahead and it was nice to get out of the house.
Losing my mother in 2016 and my father in 2018 was a massive loss to me personally as it would be to anyone, the house had to be sold when Dad died and it had been in the family and the family home since 1968 when it was built on my grandfathers land and finished in 1969. It was called GARNEL which was three letters from my name and my brothers GARy NEiL which was genius and a lot of thought must have gone into that and proved how proud our parents were to want to name the home after their two sons, the sale of the house was devastating and not overly keen on the current occupants who have given the home a new name which is rather Chavvy!!

Ba pilots were so put on a pedestal that I always kept them at arms length, however the three airlines I have worked for since follow great CRM ( crew resource management ) and we always acted as " one" team it was never them and us and Norwegians pilot especially were incredible guys. You will always get arseholes in every job but they were in the minority.
The garden has been my mental health cure during lockdown, just to get out there and potter or just relax has been a blessing and when it looks good it makes you feel proud.
Two different uniforms, same Airline and just loved flying as crew on the B787 Dreamliner, it was quiet and most of all did not have recycled air which was far better for your health and the jet lag.
This is the hallway finished after we mixed two shades of biege and latté coloured paint which gave us this Hot Chocolate colour which works well with the white of the wood and the door.
The New decking and garden furniture set of the garden beautifully and we have a defined socialising area.
Bilbo as a puppy, he had the sharpest little teeth and claws that I was scratched to death!!!
The Lavender fields in Surrey was another summer day out in 2020, such a great smell and acres of Lavendar, parking was an issue at first and lots of people there but social distancing was not an issue.
Out of curiosity I checked my flying log book which I started in 1988 and never missed a flight and with New York being a regular with BA and also Norwegian I thought I would count the amount of times I have been to JFK airport as crew, can you believe it is around 340 times, I know my way around Manhattan better than my own town, I know the best places to eat and where to find the bargains in the shops, it is a shame that the pandemic will be closing Century21 in the financial district as it had every designer label going at great prices.
The Richmond Park Deer on a cold January day in 2021
Census21 was a 6 week job, paying well and having a device which had all the addresses of those households who had not completed their Census21 forms and we had to knock on doors, I was lucky to be located mostly in Wimbledon and Wimbledon Village so the local residents were usually friendly and quite often I was buzzed into properties with the gates swinging open automatically to let me in.... How the rich live!!
My best Friend Maggie had very sick parents and I used to carry their names on a laminate and take pics from all over the world and Maggie would show it too them which brightened their day. Ron is no longer with us and Maggie does a sterling job looking after her Mum, I know that feeling well!
Montenegro 2019
The Wisley Christmas Light show 2020
Butler at the Wellesley Hotel 2016-2017
MY brother has been busy in lockdown building this Porsche from the chassis of an old VW Beetle, he has made an amazing job of it, Well done!!
Working in Next is different, 10 hour per week contract which allows me to do other things and till get my 25% discount, I work with lovely people and the team dynamics are Very Good!!
Poor Ged decided to take on the mammoth task of painting the Garden fence in a sage green, it looks incredible but this is just one side of the fence in this pic so it was the same on the other side as well as across the bottom, the plants stand out so much more now with a sage green back drop!
Ged took early retirement in October 2020 and I went to his gathering, very socially distanced and safe, a small gathering of staff which came and went which kept the numbers small, the gentleman club is stunning inside and full of History, deep down I think he misses it but he has found his niche in gardening which keeps him occupied.