Tuesday, 30 August 2022

 I re joined BA in February 2022,  at the end of the second week I was robbed by a fellow trainee, what I though was £100 from my wallet on the Friday turned into many thousands drained from my bank account on the Sunday, police immediately contacted, colleague on my course arrested, I had to give numerous statements to the police which disrupted my training but was not something I had control of.

The following weekend after lots of revision, exams, hotel stays at my cost I was called and my contract was terminated.

The people at BA who set me up the first time around in 2010 came back for me again and did the same, I was relieved in a way, most people I trained with have left due to the bad management, poverty pay and long hours with minimum rest, they did me a favour, I have found happiness again and love the job I am now doing.

Even customers I meet now have noticed how British Airways has been going downhill and when they notice then its game over, they will go elsewhere and I am pleased they do. They have treated their staff despicably and should be ashamed of themselves.

If passengers knew the salaries some of them are paid they might be a little more sympathetic with the crews.

I will stick to my promise and never travel on a BA aircraft as long as I breathe.