Friday, 31 January 2025

 I am now in my 37th year in Aviation, I have worked for many airlines and had a great time, currently flying a lot to Scandinavia which I love, adorable passengers who cause the crew no issues, rarely disruptive and if they are its usually the flights to London.

The winter is challenging, cold, lots of snow, delays due to deicing the aircraft which then makes the aircraft performing a catch up routine throughout the day to try and make up lost time.

I have been trying for part time for nearly two years now and unsuccessfully, it would suit my lifestyle so much more if I were able to cut down on the amount of flying I do.

I feel very sad for the way BA has turned out, I have flown with them twice since I left, payed for club Europe on both occasions and found their aircraft dirty, cramped, unprofessional crew, terrible food and the crew which I can quote " if we get everyone drunk we are happy" not the model I would work on then or now. The airline was once great and now its not even in the top ten of European airlines, what has happened to make it so disliked, well the redundancy of many experienced crew int he pandemic was a huge mistake then inviting them back on contracts nothing short of poverty pay, then they recruit 19 year olds and think they will work for peanuts which they will but who suffers... the airline, the passengers and I know many friends that have walked away from the once worlds favourite airlines for the greatness of the Middle Eastern airlines where they have standards, even Virgin Atlantic have prospered from BA's short falls and I could not be happier!!  No one did this to you BA, greed from management has ruined the airline and it's very hard to get back to where you were!!!