Saturday, 24 November 2007

Im cold!!!!

British Gas Problems

Over the years I have had many problems with my boiler and British Gas, However, showed up and ruined it with their after care service and punctuality:-

I was hounded to add 3 kitchen appliances to my policy and pay £64.00 in total per month for everything.

When my cooker broke down they found small print and said there was no cover and I had to buy a new one.

I have had engineers who show up to mend a boiler which has already been checked out and when they arrive to fix it they say " what is the problem". Surely information should be passed on from one engineer to another.

I had a leaking boiler and it took 6 months and 4 engineers before the leak was even noticed.

Engineers promise a time to come back and dont show up.

Engineers swap jobs amongst themselves to be closer to their own homes and turn up not knowing what is wrong.

My father who is in his 70's installed his own central heating system and had to point out to engineer what the problem was.


17th Nov boiler stopped completely

18th engineer arrived ( would come back on 20th between 11-3pm)

19th day three with no heating or hot water

20th called British gas at 11am to clarify appointment in system and all ok

20th called 2pm as no engineer had shown up

20th called at 1515 told job was cancelled as no part and someone from parts would call me in 90 minutes

20th called 1700 as nobody called and told 3 parts were needed, one had arrived and one had not.
This is now day four or no heating or hot water, I now have a cold and a headache. I was told someone would call in next two days but I may have to wait until Friday this will be day 7, my house is becoming cold and damp with no heat.
An email was sent to Watchdog at the BBC and also 2 emails to British Gas which have yet to be responded too.

21st November no one called

22nd November no one called

23rd I contacted British Gas and spoke to a supervisor calle Chris who apologised and said he was working on Saturday 24th and would do some research and call me back personally.

24th November No one called, not even Chris as he promised, the temperature was below freezing last night and house very cold.

25th another cold day, day 9 without heating or hot water.

26th day ten, no heating or hot water

( will update saga)

Monday, 19 November 2007

Christmas preparation

I really do like Christmas, the build up, the shopping, the carols, great tv entertainment but then after Christmas lunch it seems the weeks of preparation is over with before you can blink.
I am having problems this year as although i have money to buy things i don't know what to buy, i have spoilt people so much in the past that it becomes more difficult each year to buy nice impressive things. It is not a showing off thing, i think it is a way of spoiling people, so when they are not with us anymore i can say i did what i could with what i had.

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Being Controlled

After watching a show on tv yesterday with people calling in with their comments on many topics it all came to light that we are being controlled as a nation by the powers of politician, MP's and managers of companies.
They employ people who constantly need to justify their existence and come up with ideas that are supposed to make all out lives better.
For instance, the show wanted to know if the UK was still a Christian nation or should we change things to help other intergrate into our society.
Apparently 99.99% of Muslims are not offended by Christmas so who decided we should change things within our schools to adapt to Muslim children.
Our story of Mary and Joseph ( i played Joseph in junior school) should not be killed off,i would love to know who is accountable for these decisions as they never come to light do they??
I work for a large UK based airline and we see the same controlling behaviour, individuals have made decisions that have cost the airline millions of pounds and it has been a bad decision but they either crawl under a stone and keep their heads down or disappear from the airline with a two million pound handshake.
If we take a free passenger paper priced at 40p and get caught with it we are sacked for stealing,where is the justice in all this.
Our pension fund has a massive hole in it in the Billions of pounds but the company seem to be able to buy new aircraft worth a fortune and never think of the staff who will be surviving on a pittance when they retire.
CEO's come and go as they are not really attracted to the job for passionate reasons, they are attracted by the great salary, the bonuses, and after two years a few million in the bank, free first class travel and a guaranteed million pound pension and the wonder why moral is low in cabin services and the crews who see this on a daily basis and work tirelessly for the the benefit of our customers and try to promote our company and make it profitable, but we never see the profits.
My only wish is to have a huge win on the lottery so i can retire and have a life, win a substantial amount on the premium bonds so i can pay off the mortgage and not have to worry about that.
The mortgage is another story, we bought this property in 1997 and it was a 3 way mortgage with a good friend, he waited 3 years for house prices to sore and then left, we owed him one third of the equity of the house which at the time he got £30,000, ( borrowed from parents and now all paid back) and if it was now we would owe him about £70,000.
We all had seperate endowment mortgages worth £36,666 each so our mortgage is £110,000 so we are £36,666 short when endowment matures minimum, they are not doing so well so we are short on our own policies as well as his which he took with him when hge left along with his £30,000 cash.
To sum up, we need to sell and move before 2017 as otherwise we will have to pay all the above, if we sell and take the equity to buy a new place with a smaller mortgage maybe back up north to our homeland we would be better off, no mortgage, a bit on the bank and a better quality of life.
Airlines managers and other managers should read this and realise how lucky you are in your leafy surburban mansions with a few cars on the drive and millions in the bank!!!!!!
I would really consider myself as a controlling person when i come to think about it, as a small child i would do any chore if i decided myself to do it, if i was told to do it i would not do it.
I was the same when i was looking for a job, my parents would say, " should you not be out looking for a job" as i was about to go out and do exactly that so i would say " not today" and stay in. If they had said nothing i would have gone but i would NOT be told.
As i have matured i try and anticipate what people will ask and expect of me and just do it before they tell me then i am ok. I suppose sometimes i forget and get irritated by them when they remind me i need to do something.
I do not go into an immature strop but become angry with myself by allowing myself to be told to do something when i should have done it without being asked.
WOW i confused myself with that one!!!!

Thursday, 1 November 2007

Cruises i have done ( So far!!)









I have yet another company that has give me grief after my business, I ordered a silver cooker and they delivered a white one which i sent back and then asked for a refund as it was easier and quicker to buy another one from a local company. They decided to take £31.00 off my refund to cover carriage of cooker back to manufacturer, this i disputed as they had not sent me the correct appliance in the first place but i was met by an agressive guy who basically told me how it was and to accept it.
This was 15th October and they say they have refunded my account on 22nd October and today is 1st November and still no money.
There emails when i email then come back as abusive and rude, saying things like "do you think we are sitting here with our feet up doing nothing" and " we will not respond further" and "YOUR REFUND HAS BEEN DONE"( also in upper case)!!!
This is the company so stay away guys!!!
I contacted my bank and they are investigating them as a bogus amount of money was taken from my account on the same day as my purchase from them and i had to query this with barclays and after filling in fraud forms they have refunded the amount in full.
I am not pointing the finger but it seems their negative and abusive reponse to my query points the finger at guilty!!!!

Barclays are now going to leave it 15 more days and if the money has not appeared they will refund it personally and then fight for their money back.

What a world we live in eh!!!!

Also had another trip to the Chiropractor today and had my back clicked twice and also my neck which made an odd noise.

I am off work sick until Wednesday 7th November.
This is my least favourite time of year as it is so unfair to pets to have to put up with fireworks, there are enough organised displays so why people have to set them off in gardens is beyond me, and surely less injuries would occur if more attended organised events.
Years ago Fireworks were set off on 5th November only but now it seems to be two weeks before and two weeks after,i think the fireworks afterwards are the cheapskates who go and buy them half price and save some money.
I could cope with one night but almost a month is horrendous, i cannot walk the dog when it gets dark ( around 5pm) as if i end up in the middle of a flash bang firework parade i cannot protect her so we have to battle on through it until we get home.
BAN FIREWORKS is what i say!!!!