Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Car Damage

After years of waiting for his new car which i bought someone has smashed into dads car, they were not in it thank goodness, it was parked in Lanchester and when they returned the rear passenger door was all bashed in.
Being in the North of the Uk where people are honest there was also a note on the windscreen with the persons details and contact number so at least it will be fixed at no expense to my parents.
They never have much look with new cars and there last car was also only weeks old before it had its first accident, i will add my father is a fantastic driver and never was to blame for any of the incidents, just bad luck.
I let things like this ride over my head now as so much bad feeling, war and death in this world that a replaceable car door and no injuries is really nothing to lose sleep over.
I must remember to post my lovely nephews birthday card and present as it is his birthday on 22nd Feb, the day before mine.

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