Sunday 13 September 2009

Death on Board

Having someone die on the aircraft is a devastating thing not only for the crew but for the other passengers as well who are subjected to the actions of the crew. It all started after take off when a gentlemen who was travelling with his wife, both non english speaking felt unwell, we managed to find out he had angina and had his own medication so after he had taken this he felt better although very hot so sat without a shirt on for the flight, he had a drink, dinner, bought duty free then about 60 minutes before landing he collapsed by door 3 left on the boeing 777 registration G-VIIY....full CPR was given and the defibrillator was used, the crew kept swapping as it was so tiring. We made a medical emergency landing into Heathrow where the paramedics boarded and worked on him for a while, it was very distressing for us the crew but even more for his wife, as he was dragged up the aisle as stretcher did not fit down the ailse my phone was on video mode by accident so have that fiasco recorded. He did not survive, we all went to either the hotel or home as we were operating the BA185 at 0830 the following morning to Newark New Jersey.

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