Monday, 14 February 2011

Hospital Radio

This is the best thing i ever volunteered to do, i usually get there about 640pm at the hospital and at 7pm myself and a fellow volunteer go around the wards collecting music requests for the radio. My favourite ward was maternity as everyone was about to, or already celebrating, the rest of the hospital is obvsiously illnesses and sad people who are hurting with their pain. This is when you wish you had a magic wand and you could put it all right for them but you have to have a stiff upper lip and just carry on.
The first time i went i tool the little statue of Megan, the dog i cry for every single day, ( crying now just typing her name) i just want to stretch out my hand and stroke her lovely fur again, and massage her aching joints but i cannot, she was taken from us and i miss her terribly, there is only so much you can cope with at one time and presently i feel like the largest man you can imagine is sitting on my head pushing down, i have headaches daily but just continue with the day with a smile.
The station has 60,000+ tracks and these are all logged into a computer system, you can also play tracks from you tube, vinyl, mini disk, cd, and there are two fully equipped studios, really rewarding, maybe something i should take up as i can talk and talk!
I have nothing planned the next few days so will relax and chill out, maybe potter in the garden but even then i will see paw prints left by Megan and memories of her sitting in the garden in the summer, it's torture and i only wish it would all stop.
I really did not realise how many people read this blog, i was honestly just using it like a diary that you cannot lose, but i do have to be careful what i put on here, there are some horrible people out there who use this for other reasons and thats very sad!
Well if you're ever in hospital make use of the free hospital radio channel, remember that those you hear are devoting their time to entertain you, make a request, or ask a friend to check out the hospital very own radio website where you can leave a request online with a choice of times and days you would like it read out.
Get Well Soon everyone

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