Saturday 10 December 2011

Strike Christmas Party

Tonight is the night i get to meet with like minded people, people who actually care about others .....SCABS are the lowest form of society but it is was their choice and we should let them have that, however it does not mean we have to speak, or socialise with such low life, KARMA has already arrived and removed some of them, lets hope a few more get their arses bitten, the social climbers are now on their way down the ladder and will land with an incredible bump!!!!!

Everyday i learn to accept things, everyday i get to smile a little more, and one day those who saw me fall and were the cause of it will be looking up at me from their gutters and i will continue to smile with NO duty of care for them, after all, i will only be returning the favour won't i??

Things in the pipeline, paperwork organised, we are coming to get you...!!!!!

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