Sunday 28 January 2018



Related: British Airways

Have you noticed that British Airways planes don’t tend to feel awfully clean? We have already shared details about the plane that was fumigated before flying from Ghana to London, following a bed bug infestation. Now, according to Gary from View From The Wing, cabin crew reveal that they have been battling with airline bosses for well over a year to get this ongoing issue sorted out.
According to Gary’s sources, British Airways will only fumigate a plane with over 6 clearly visible bed bugs. So if only 5 are spotted on your Economy, Premium Economy, Business or First Class seat, no cleaning or fumigation will be carried out and you will be welcomed onboard to spend hours in your infested seat.
Welcome on board & sweet dreams…
If you want to pick up a travel bargain, you should read our 7 sensational secrets that ALL travellers should know (but probably don’t).
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