Sunday 24 August 2008


I am a very passionate person. I am stubborn as hell but I will admit when I am wrong. I care to much at times and I really don't care. I worry to much about things but that is part of me. I will ask for help when needed. I will do anything for a friend with in reason. I like to help out or volunteer. I have had two real loves in my life and one is my lovely dog. They are my everything. I believe in God and he has been there when no one else has been. He is my rock. I have probably been bipolar all my life but only really found out recently but not diagnosed so like some people I do not know what normal life is like. It is part of me but it is not what defines me. I embrace it because God made me this way and I can expect it and I have. I am me and if someone doesn't like it is there loss not mine.
I try so hard to love all those close to me but most of the time they do not notice or too stubborn to admit that life is too short and we have very little time on this planet.
I for one have not made the best use of my life and i should try harder, no-one knows what tomorrow may bring so if your healthy enjoy life to the full if you can as one day it will be too late for anything.

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