Saturday, 8 November 2008

Aerotoxic syndrome

After posting a forum on my depression i received a reply which was really interesting, i was unaware that some of fumes and toxins are bled back into an aircraft cabin via the air conditioning system, very scary if you ask me and something the airlines are covering up.

You are really brave to bring this subject up and I admire you. "loss of patience and easily irritated" sounds very like the symptoms of emotional volatility that is just one of the nasty effects of Aerotoxic Syndrome. I have a really good handout on how to cope and how to get your loved ones to realise you are suffering even tho you look normal. It's been written by a pilot who suffers from Aerotoxic Syndrome and it's very helpful. I know depression can be caused by many things but one of the main causes is a chemical imbalance in the brain - and we are inhaling toxic chemicals that affect our brains on a regular basis.
I have a Government advice paper on exposure to organophosphates and it says this causes " depression with suicide intent." This is one of the reasons I have been fighting for clean air for several months now - the CAA should be protecting our health but it isn't. I do hope you feel better soon, if you contact the Aerotoxic Association at or Sue at toxic free airlines you will get practical,confidential, caring help from people who really do know how you feel.
People who are affected by Aerotoxic Syndrome will find they become sensitive to chemicals in food and drink so be careful of alcohol, caffeine, sugar, salt, MSG etc a spicy meal can make you an emotional wreck the next day.

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