Tuesday, 23 March 2010


What a roller coaster ride i have been on the last 2 weeks, it started with a trip to the doctors as thought it was time i had a cholesterol check, the doctor said it had been so long since i had had any checks that i may as well be checked for everything.
The blood test was done the next day at an outpatients hospital and telephone message a few days later alerted me to the fact i had very high blood sugar ( glucose), i was unaware what the figure was at this time but was advised to go for another test, this one was not so simple.....on arrival i had fasted for about 14 hours so no food or liquids.....as i sat in the chair to have the blood taken i collapsed, all i remember is the nurse calling my name and i was so so tired and wanted to tell her to shut up and leave me alone.
I explained that morning that the doctor had called and they were very concerned about my sugar levels and if i was to take ill i had to call an ambulance.
As i had been "out" for quite a while the ambulance arrived and took me too ST Helier on a stretcher, i had more tests done and allowed home three hours later.
I had no idea how to get home on a bus and not enough money with me for a taxi so i walked and it was three and a half miles....i felt awful when i got home.
Went to the doctors a few days later and sugar levels should be within 5-8..8 being high...mine was 16.5.
I was sent for more blood tests and now i am Type2 Diabetic, no injections needed just diet, excercise and medication.
I do feel tired most of the time and need to slow down and look after myself.
Mum and dad call most days to see how i am but no one else has bothered.

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