What follows is a synopsis of where all the suspended crew are as we
> speak. It is a shameful, shocking tale of bullying and harassment that is
> a disgrace in this supposed country of free speech. BA have become a
> sinister, vicious, aggressive employer who with the aid of a small bunch
> of pilots have created a regime of terror akin to a tin pot third world
> dictatorship. All this is done with the express approval of Willie Walsh
> and Bill Francis, two men who should be utterly ashamed at their thuggish
> behaviour.
> Real people, excellent crew members who up to now have loved their jobs
> and the company they worked for are now literally too frightened to leave
> their home. Quite a few are on anti-depressants and some are just in
> shock. We have to say were it not for the actions of some flight-deck 99%
> of the below incidents would not have happened - these men are nothing
> more than cowardly abetters to a sick and discredited management who think
> threatening employees is the right way to subdue crew and quell dissent.
> This is not hyperbole - what follows is an actual list of shame for BA.
> Remember these are your colleagues and there by the grace of God go most
> of us.
> Currently, fourteen cabin crew are suspended for discussing the existence
> of a list of pilots training as cabin crew, on two private Facebook walls.
> At no time do they mention any names. Three crew are suspended for
> receiving and forwarding the list to friends through their own private e
> mails. Two crew are suspended for discussing the existence of the list on
> BASSA's members only forum. One crew member having a private conversation
> with a friend in the foyer of SEP was accosted by a pilot who assumed she
> was talking about the list of pilots. She was not. She has been suspended.
> One crew member with a perfectly clean record of thirty four years with
> the company asked a ground staff woman checking her suitcase in, in a
> light and jovial manner, if she was thinking of training as cabin crew.
> She has been suspended. One cabin crew member expressing her dismay
> regarding the existence of the graffiti board at Waterside on which was
> written "cabin crew scum", to a manager has been placed in the
> disciplinary process. This list is not exhaustive.
> The owners of the Crew Forum website have been contacted by BA demanding
> they provide them with four actual names of crew writing under pseudonyms
> on their forum. A motorcycle courier was sent to the home of BASSA's
> Branch Secretary at nine o'clock one night with a forty five page legal
> document demanding he provide BA with the names of thirty two crew writing
> under pseudonyms on the BASSA forum. (He declined and always will).
> Some of the suspended crew were contacted whilst down route, one of whom
> was told by a manager by email to not think about it and concentrate on
> looking after the passengers on the way home. When managers couldn't
> immediately contact some, emergency contacts were telephoned. Some were
> given UK management days on their rosters to be suspended. Some were met
> by two managers on landing and accompanied from the aircraft, others were
> marched out of briefings or met by managers when they swiped in for their
> trips. One crew member, unable to come in because she was caring for a
> seriously ill child was instructed to bring the child with her. One
> pregnant crew member on bed rest in danger of losing her baby was
> suspended by letter as was another crew member recovering from surgery.
> None had an initial assessment meeting at which ordinarily questions are
> asked, allegations discussed and a decision made as to whether it is
> appropriate to suspend or not. In all cases, the decision to suspend had
> already been made. Indeed some were merely handed the letter of
> suspension. All were suspended for Bullying and Harassment, some
> additionally for breaches of data protection. All had their IDs taken from
> them and were accompanied from the premises.
> The Preliminary Investigation Team exist specifically to investigate all
> charges involving Cabin Crew. There is no equivalent in any other
> department. They have been involved in every single EG901 Disciplinary
> case. Until now. Uniquely all these cases are being investigated by a
> separate group of engineering managers. These managers have in some, but
> not all cases, variously suggested that crew are not entitled to
> representation, have encouraged crew to have their preliminary
> investigation meetings over the telephone, have encouraged crew to have
> their managers accompany them to their meeting and have ignored the
> specific instruction of Doctors. They have contacted the crew they are
> investigating with a frequency unprecedented despite crew stating that
> they feel bullied and harassed by the level of contact. One crew member
> was contacted thirteen times in one day. Most have had similar levels of
> contact. The speed with which these managers are acting is similarly
> unprecedented. Crew are being suspended one day and the managers seeking
> to conduct the PI the next. PIs are being held over the telephone, in
> person or if the crew member is sick, in their absence and the company,
> having in all cases found that there is a case to answer, are seeking to
> hold the hearing within days.
> Several of these crew members have gone sick with stress and depression.
> One has had the police attend their home such is the level of their
> distress. Another has been admitted to an urgent treatment centre due to
> their mental health. One is under the care of a psychiatrist. Several have
> letters from their GPs clearly stating that they are unable to attend a
> meeting with the company and in some cases should not be contacted at all.
> In every case British Airways Health Services occupational therapists have
> overridden every GP. Despite crew being highly distressed and in some
> cases hysterical on the telephone, BAHS has passed every single one fit to
> attend hearings. In one case the occupational health therapist told a GP
> that it is as though their patient were a burglar and that as such the
> Doctor was in no position to attempt to interrupt a legal process. Indeed
> on occupational therapist has used a private interview with a suspended
> victim to later give evidence against him in his disciplinary.
> BA has a clear policy on Bullying and Harassment, EG102. It states that if
> you feel bullied and harassed you should attempt to resolve the matter
> informally through discussing it with the alleged bullier. If you feel
> unable to do this because of the nature of the bullying, you may ask a
> third person to intervene. If the matter remains unresolved you should
> raise a grievance with your manager who should investigate. If the matter
> still remains unresolved the grievance moves into the formal stage and a
> second, higher level manager is duty bound to investigate the charge,
> which would involve interviewing the alleged bullier in a formal meeting.
> If the bullier is found guilty of the charge, they may then be moved
> accordingly into the EG901 disciplinary process. This process has not
> occurred in any single one of these cases. No crew member has been
> contacted by any individual, third party or manager informally or formally
> at any time. The company has dispensed with its own policy in its
> entirety.
> When the cases move to the hearing stage, the crew member must be given a
> copy of the entire file including the details of the accusation and all
> evidence to enable them to prepare a defence. The files currently in the
> possession of the crew member at this stage contain no original accusation
> nor the details of any individual or group of individuals who have alleged
> bullying and harassment and subsequently made a complaint. It must be
> inferred that BA is either withholding vital information or that no one
> has actually made a complaint.
> On February 2nd and 3rd, Balpa members and reps discuss on their forum
> that they are happy with the tips pilots have provided them with thus far.
> They give details of how to copy a social networking page and suggest that
> this would be particularly useful. They discuss encouraging individuals to
> make complaints. They state that they hope crew will be made examples of,
> expressing their hope that BA bypass internal processes and go for instant
> dismissal. They suggest that were this the case, more pilots might
> volunteer. They continually express frustration at the length of the
> processes and wonder whether policies might be rewritten to address this.
> A well-known BALPA rep, heavily involved in the recruitment of pilots into
> cabin crew jobs states that on the 3rd of Feb they met with the Head of
> Industrial Relations and spoke with Willie Walsh. They note that the
> company machine is ruthless and that Walsh himself approved 'something'
> that will assist in expiating these investigations. He assures pilots that
> they can only be frustrated by the length of the internal process because
> they are not privy to the information he gleaned from his meeting. They
> talk of BA being happy to deal with trivial legal cases after the fact.
> They discuss their desire to tie any of this specifically to BASSA and the
> gratitude that BA has for them and their volunteers.
> These are the suspended parties
> * Crew member 1: His facebook page. Several comments re his desire to
> name and shame list of scab flight crew though he never actually does.
> * Crew member 2: Several comments regarding wanting to know the names
> and gossip regarding one of the flight crew who is never named but whose
> identity is confirmed as being "the one they both know"
> * Crew member 3: One comment: Send me a private msg. Good to know who
> not to trust x
> * Crew member 4: His facebook page: several comments re the fact that
> he is in possession of the list of flight crew training as cabin crew, how
> he is in two minds what to do with it but how he will not post it publicly
> because he knows one of them personally very well.
> * Crew member 5: Asks for the list and says she will pass it on.
> * Crew member 6: One comment: Name and shame, honey, I say!
> * Crew member 7: One comment: Can you private message me please?
> * Crew member 8: One comment: Please forward the sms to me
> * Crew member 9: One comment agreeing with calls to name and shame and
> adds that she wants all the necks she can get her hands on.
> * Crew member 10: One comment: Name and shame
> * Crew member 11: One comment: suggesting the name be sent to a third
> party for that party to name and shame.
> * Crew member 12: One comment: saying he would like to know the names
> and asking to be texted.
> * Crew member 13: One comment saying do not post the names in any chat
> rooms or forums and to pass the list to BASSA.
> * Crew member 14: One comment asking for the list in a private
> message.
> As of Sunday 6th March: All of the above are suspended. Crew member 1 PI
> was stopped by the rep because the company had failed to follow procedure.
> It has gone case to answer. Crew member 4 PI was held in his absence since
> he is off sick and has gone case to answer. Crew member 13 had a PI which
> has gone case to answer. Crew member 2 PI was abandoned because she was
> too stressed to continue. Crew member 6 has had a PI and as yet has heard
> no outcome. Crew member 14 had a PI and it has now gone case to answer.
> She was admitted to an urgent treatment centre yesterday feeling suicidal.
> Crew member 12 PI done in his absence and gone case to answer. Crew member
> 8 is pregnant and in danger of losing her baby. She has gone to Australia
> and is uncontactable. Crew member 9 felt pressurised into having her PI
> over the phone and this has now gone case to answer. Crew member 5 is off
> sick and has not had a PI. Crew member 11 is off sick and has been told
> that his PI will be held in his absence. Crew member's 7,5,3 and 10 are
> off sick and have not had a PI.
> * Crew member 15 texted the list of pilots to a friend. He is off
> sick. The PI was held in his absence and it has gone case to answer.
> * Crew member 16- Received and shared some information via text.
> * Crew member 17- Received and shared some information via text.
> * Crew member 18 received an email containing the list. She forwarded
> it in error. PI held in her absence. Gone case to answer.
> * Crew member 19 received the list by email and forwarded it. She is
> off sick recovering from a major operation. Under pressure from The
> Company she had a PI over the phone and it has gone case to answer.
> * Crew member 20 received the email and forwarded it. She is off sick.
> PI held in her absence. Case to answer.
> * Crew member 21: Wrote that he was fed up with all that's going on
> and when he leaves the company, he will blow a slide. He adds LOL HA HA
> HA!!! Anti-terrorist laws were invoked and anti terror police were called.
> There was no charge brought. He remains suspended and hasn't yet had his
> PI.
> * Crew member 22 wrote that he had the list of suspended pilots. His
> PI was stopped by the rep because BA had failed to follow procedure. He
> awaits the outcome.
> * Crew member23: Asked on the forum if a particular FO was on the list
> of pilots training as cabin crew. Awaiting a PI.
> * Crew member 24: In discussion with two other crew members regarding
> the dispute. He writes: If you carry on with that claptrap, I will be
> happy to issue you a rejoinder and calls the management bullies. He
> remains suspended and is off sick.
> * Crew member 25: Asked a ground staff woman who was checking her case
> in, in a light hearted manner, are you going to be training as Cabin Crew?
> Her PI was stopped by the rep because The Company had failed to follow
> procedure. She awaits the outcome.
> * Crew member 26: Got into an argument with M P (manager) who called
> her negative when she suggested that the comments made about cabin crew on
> the graffiti board in Waterside were undermining. She has been placed in
> 901 for misconduct.
> * Crew member 27: Was discussing the existence of the list with a
> friend whilst sitting in the foyer of SEP. She was evidently overheard and
> later tackled by a Captain who had not heard the conversation himself.
> They got into a heated exchange. She has been suspended and awaits the PI
> * Crew member 28: Got into a conversation with a passenger who was
> annoyed that the service was taking so long. Guy asked him to bear with
> the crew since they were not used to working with one less crew member and
> everything was taking longer than usual. He awaits the outcome of his PI
> * Crew member 29: Allegedly said in a briefing that anyone training as
> crew were scabs and in relation to a messed up positioning sector, this is
> a fucking mess, to a DOM. He awaits his PI.
> PAs
> * CSDS who allegedly made some comment re working with one less crew
> member on the PA:
> * Crew member 30
> * Crew member 31
> * Crew member 32
> · Crew member 33 suspended PI heard in absence
> · Crew member 34 suspended for allegedly talking to media
Please tell me it worked right? I dont want to sumit it again if i do not have to! Either the blog glitced out or i am an idiot. the second option doesnt surprise me lol. thanks for a great blog!
ha, I will test my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it's truly amazing, thanks.
- Norman
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