Sunday 3 February 2013

Brutish Airways: Woman is groped by tipsy pilot

Suspended ... the pilot - not part of the crew - was travelling to Tokyo to pick up another flight

A DISGRACED British Airways pilot has been suspended for the second time in months after molesting a woman passenger.

He drunkenly grabbed his victim — flying First Class with her husband — then screamed: “I want to **** her.”
The veteran First Officer had only recently returned to his £100,000-a-year job after punching a steward in the face last summer.
In the latest incident he repeatedly downed whiskies at 30,000ft before trying to grope the woman — as her husband sat next to her.
Later he tried to get into the cockpit shouting: “I want to rape the flight deck.” Finally he collapsed in front of stunned passengers on the London-to-Japan jet.
The pilot — not part of the crew — was travelling to Tokyo to pick up another flight. BA confirmed last night that he had been suspended. Airline insiders said there was “no chance” he would wear a BA uniform again.
A source said: “He should have been sacked last time.

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