Thursday 28 February 2013


28th February 2013

The confidential online electronic survey has now closed. The results are below; they make for worrying reading not just for us as your union but also for British Airways.

They clearly show that there is a problem, not only with the levels of perceived bullying but also the almost non-existent levels of faith in IFCE management’s application of policies designed to protect people from this type of behavior.

The combination of these two factors shows that bullying is not only endemic but that people believe it to be almost institutionally condoned.

The positive news, is that we have provisionally shared with IFCE how damming these results are and they have already indicated they wish to act immediately and want to set up meetings involving the highest levels of both IFCE and Flight Crew management along with BASSA and BALPA to try and tackle this issue.

These results show that these meetings can’t happen soon enough.

Individual Responses: 3367

Have you ever felt bullied on the Aircraft by a member of flight crew?
Yes – 83%
No – 17%

Have you ever witnessed a colleague on an aircraft being bullied by a member of flight crew?
Yes –74%
No – 26%

Have you ever felt bullied whilst down route by a member of flight crew?
Yes – 67%
No – 33%

Have you ever witnessed a colleague being bullied by a member of flight crew whilst down route?
Yes – 52%
No – 48%

With specific reference to British Airways employment policies do you believe that cabin crew and pilots are treated equally?
Yes – 2%
No – 98%

If you reported an incident of bullying and harassment by a member of flight crew to your line manager, would you be confident that the matter would be treated fairly?
Yes – 3%
No – 97%

Do you have confidence that Bill Francis (as the Head of IFCE) takes the issue of flight crew bullying seriously?
Yes – 2%
No – 98%

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