Is it so wrong to be a little over protective with your parents. Would i be wrong to question family members who had a slight minor disaster and thought it appropriate to contact my parents who were on a cruise ship at the time and turn it into some major world crisis for no reason, this made them worry and possibly spoilt their well deserved holiday.
Then when i contact them with my condolences about the ceiling collapse and also use this time to question contacting parents, it was then all thrown back in my face for no reason at all.
I was accused of "once again" turning things into a family issue, i also have decided that my parents are th only important people in my life and i will disown the rest of my immediate family as it is pretty obvious they do not want any part of me on their lives so i have to get used to the fact they do not exist anymore. Should not be too diffiult as my brother has never been in my life so it is not really a life changing decision.
His wife is a control freak who has to decide who,when and what is happening, she has friends who use her for what they can get out of her financially and although she is intelligent she is blind to this fact.
As for my brother he is a selfish, self centred, obnoxious unloving person who is so mean its unexplainable.
They waste money on themselves and although if i had worked as hard as they have in their lives i would too , treat myself , however i would also look after the two people that brought me into this world and made me the person i am, my parents but others do not see it like this and would rather waste money on wasters and sponsoring children in dark corners of the earth.
Poor dad drives around in an M registration Toyota which costs him more to keep on the road than it is worth while others by large BMW's and 12 carat diamond bracelets.
I would operate differently, they would have a new kitchen, house redecoration, new car, nice holiday, regular weekend breaks but then again i am proud to say im a loving, giving son and not a mean tight fisted one.
When my parents die i will get by on the memory that i did what i could for them with what i could afford. They knew i was kind and considerate and always put others before myself unlike my mean nasty brother and his false family.
My nephews are like chalk and cheese, one smokes dope 24/7 and has his fingers in s om many pies but unsuccessful in most, the other is gay, hates his father and is driven by his mother, so not only do you have a controlling woman figure but a male gay version which in fact is worse.
He is self opinionated and always thinks he is right, no one ever communicated and everything was like a big secret. eg my sister in law obviously had be planning to go overseas to see "whoever" but she only told my parents as my brother was driving her to the airport for the flight, if that was me i would have mentioned it to my mam and dad when i had thought about going months before.
I do not want to go into the reason why my brother and his wife sleep seperately but put it this way, when i ranted at them it sort of took presidence over what he did so he felt let off the hook, this he has bled dry to make himself look better.
His wife has been on a mission to darken the name of me and my brother and uses any and every opportunity to do so.
I was really upset when their dog died, being an animla lover, so i sent a text, yes i had a frosty thank you reply but i do not think i would get a text of any of them when anything happens to my dog.
I am proud that i help others and put myself out for people, i would hate to be like them and im so pleased that i am not and never will be.
They can now get on with their own sad lives as one day they will come down to earth with a bump and i will not be there to pick up any of the pieces.