Wednesday 5 December 2007

Christmas Gifts

Christmas is a great time of year so i hope you all enjoy it!!!!

Christmas becomes more and more difficult every year, it's not the money thing but the "what shall i buy", I do spoil my parents and after diamond and emerald rings for mum and dvd recorders etc for dad i am stuck as to what to buy so i have opted for many lower price gifts and one expensive one each.
They spoilt me as a child and on Christmas morning myself and my brother would go downstairs to see an array of brightly wrapped presents arranged on the lounge furniture, in those days i think it may have taken 10-15 minutes of frantic unwrapping or should i say ripping of the paper until it was all over.
Mum checks ( and still does) all the wrapping for gifts that may still be hiding in there before she loads it into large black bin bags ready for collection, i suppose some years ago a gift may have been thrown away by accident so i understand why she does it.

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