Sunday, 29 March 2009

Overcoming Binge Eating.

This book "overcoming binge eating" by Dr Christopher G.Fairburn, has been recommended to me by my therapist, i would like to quote a page from the book which fits me to a "T".

"my eating problems have taken over my whole life, My friendships have been upset by violent mood swings, my family do not understand what i am going through, i have little self confidence, i get terribly depressed and anxious, i can't face seeing people.
i find it hard to concentrate on my work which has suffered as a result,my problem has caused family rows,i no longer enjoy being in the company of family and friends and avoid it wherever possible.
I have become withdrawn and introspective and have lost all self confidence and sefl respect. I don't want to go out, i don't like myself anymore."

The letter which my therapist sent to my doctor and to me reads......

"Gary presented with symptoms of severe depression and severe anxiety, he said he has felt this for a long time but had only ever been offered medication as treatment.He reported working full time but isolating himself when away, he said he had not had anyone over to the house in 5 years and tried to avoid supermaket's and crowds.
His difficulties appear to have worsened after multiple stressors in 2004, but he reported having difficulties before then too. He also described a pattern of dieting and bingeing and persistent concern about his weight for the past 23 years, although objectively he is not overweight.
i will refer him for sessions of CBT and he agreed to buy the book and read part 1 and part 2 before the sessions begin.

She was a great therapist and i look forward to offloading more shit that is in my head on her at the next session, i wonder why we end up with mental health issues, is it stress, tiredness or do others cause it by their childish behaviour.
It is also a huge shame that others turn their back on someone who is not a trouble maker but has an illness, that actually does not hurt anymore, i have moved on and will continue to make slow process for myself, not for anyone else.
I am sure that substancial little win i had made things a little better, it allowed me to do things i have always wanted to do and treat those who deserve it.
EG dads new car, their new furniture, their cruises, there expensive meals out, my new car, new tv, new dining room furniture, premium bonds, savings, cashmere rug, new bed, new wall, paved driveway, and much much more.

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