Thursday 13 January 2011

Ongoing memories

Losing Megan over 5 weeks ago is still so raw in our minds and memories. The paw prints in the garden may have now been washed away by rain but her hairs remain in the Hoover, the odd one on car seats, photos of her will be treasured and her ashes do take pride of place on the fireplace. Yesterday we saw a woman walking a boxer dog as we drove to Kingston upon Thames and we both just looked at each other and said nothing. My sister on laws father is currently in recovery from yesterdays operation to remove cancer from his stomach, it just seems 2010's bad luck is spilling into 2011. I just hope things look up soon, I have a very important day on 19th January and although currently off sick I have another important day coming up. Today was a cry most of the day "day", never dressed, stayed in robe, not shaved or showered and feel sad and miserable. There are many demons out there, they persecute you daily, they harass you, bully you, intimidate you and I will beat them, the bastards will not win!! I only wish I could name names so keep reading as one day I will with photos!!! Daily Mail, get ready!!

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