Why...If flying is so safe do they call the airport building the "terminal"?
Why...is there no mouse flavoured cat food?
Why...are aeroplanes not made out of the same metal as the black box?
Why...do your pubes not go grey like your hair on your head?
If you know anymore please let me know and i will add them!!
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Things That Annoy Me ( will update on regular basis)
Mother's who walk down street in pairs both pushing pushchairs and making no effort to move for people coming the other way.
People who chat and block supermarket ailes while others try to squeeze through.
Bad timekeeping, if i say i will meet you at 7pm i will be there at 655pm NOT 715pm.
Celebrities who go on daytime and evening chat shows and all they are doing is promoting a new book, film, cd, single or tv show.
Footballers salaries ( SAY NO MORE!!!!!)
Drivers who use middle lane when not overtaking!!!
Drivers who drive with full beam on lights or fog lights when it is not foggy!!!
Passengers on aircraft that stand up when the seat belt sign is on and also turn on their mobile telephones in flight, there are plenty announcements telling them not too so there is no excuse.
EASTENDERS!!!! too depressing and annoying.
Hotels that charge more for 24 hour internet access than i pay for a month at home.
Young people in mature senior jobs but have no people skills or any idea how to handle certain situations.
Cold Callers
Queue Jumpers
Slow Internet connections
People who read over your shoulder
Stepping on dog poo
Dog owners who do not clean up after their dogs
People who cpmplain about how fat they are when they are obviously so skinny
Auotmated phone systems
Able bodied drivers who park in disabled bays
Noisy eaters
Noisy neighbours
Junk mail
Screaming kids
Rude shop assistants
Heather Mills
People who talk on mobile phones on public transport
Email spam
Public displays of affection
The hot water running out when you are running a bath
Cashiers who put your change on top of your receipt
Russell Brand
Victoria Beckham
John McCririck
Trying to find the end of the cellotape
People ramming your heels with trolleys
Paris Hilton
Stubbing your toe
People pushing prams in shops
Not having change when you really need it
Leaving your mobile at home
Embarrassing farts
Rubbish opening times and doctors and dentists
Flatmates who use oall the milk
Crazy frog
Running out of petrol
Britney Spears.
People who chat and block supermarket ailes while others try to squeeze through.
Bad timekeeping, if i say i will meet you at 7pm i will be there at 655pm NOT 715pm.
Celebrities who go on daytime and evening chat shows and all they are doing is promoting a new book, film, cd, single or tv show.
Footballers salaries ( SAY NO MORE!!!!!)
Drivers who use middle lane when not overtaking!!!
Drivers who drive with full beam on lights or fog lights when it is not foggy!!!
Passengers on aircraft that stand up when the seat belt sign is on and also turn on their mobile telephones in flight, there are plenty announcements telling them not too so there is no excuse.
EASTENDERS!!!! too depressing and annoying.
Hotels that charge more for 24 hour internet access than i pay for a month at home.
Young people in mature senior jobs but have no people skills or any idea how to handle certain situations.
Cold Callers
Queue Jumpers
Slow Internet connections
People who read over your shoulder
Stepping on dog poo
Dog owners who do not clean up after their dogs
People who cpmplain about how fat they are when they are obviously so skinny
Auotmated phone systems
Able bodied drivers who park in disabled bays
Noisy eaters
Noisy neighbours
Junk mail
Screaming kids
Rude shop assistants
Heather Mills
People who talk on mobile phones on public transport
Email spam
Public displays of affection
The hot water running out when you are running a bath
Cashiers who put your change on top of your receipt
Russell Brand
Victoria Beckham
John McCririck
Trying to find the end of the cellotape
People ramming your heels with trolleys
Paris Hilton
Stubbing your toe
People pushing prams in shops
Not having change when you really need it
Leaving your mobile at home
Embarrassing farts
Rubbish opening times and doctors and dentists
Flatmates who use oall the milk
Crazy frog
Running out of petrol
Britney Spears.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
The Chiropractor
I turned up for my appointment 45 minutes early as absoulutely hate being late for anything,he had two other clients to see before me so after filling in pages of forms and flicking through a couple of "Hello" magazines and the daily paper i was called into his room.
The room was rectangle in shape with an electronic bed which looked like something from a torture chamber with metal feet plates and arm holds.
I was asked a few questions then i was examined in only my underwear which i found embarrassing,( i had showered and changed as i was always advised to do by mum,)
He examined my back thoroughly and reflexes with the hammer on my ankles and kneecaps. I was diagnosed with disc problems and the fact i had long back and short legs put pressure on my lower back anyway.
There was also something about small hairs on my lower back whic apparently told him something else that may be going on which i have forgotten.
I was told to make another appointment for Thursday and go home putting a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel on my back for 20 minutes then 10 minutes without it then back on again,but surely the peas would start to defrost!!!!
I did feel better afterwards however the most painful and noisy treatment he performed was laying me on my side, one leg straight, one leg over other leg knee bent and he snapped my back making a noise that made me laugh, maybe that was fear, he did the same on the other side and i laughed again.
His name was Neil and obviously very good at his job.
I have to remain from work for a minimum of a week and see how i feel from then on. I have kept all the receipts just in case anything comes in the form of compensation from my employer.
The room was rectangle in shape with an electronic bed which looked like something from a torture chamber with metal feet plates and arm holds.
I was asked a few questions then i was examined in only my underwear which i found embarrassing,( i had showered and changed as i was always advised to do by mum,)
He examined my back thoroughly and reflexes with the hammer on my ankles and kneecaps. I was diagnosed with disc problems and the fact i had long back and short legs put pressure on my lower back anyway.
There was also something about small hairs on my lower back whic apparently told him something else that may be going on which i have forgotten.
I was told to make another appointment for Thursday and go home putting a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel on my back for 20 minutes then 10 minutes without it then back on again,but surely the peas would start to defrost!!!!
I did feel better afterwards however the most painful and noisy treatment he performed was laying me on my side, one leg straight, one leg over other leg knee bent and he snapped my back making a noise that made me laugh, maybe that was fear, he did the same on the other side and i laughed again.
His name was Neil and obviously very good at his job.
I have to remain from work for a minimum of a week and see how i feel from then on. I have kept all the receipts just in case anything comes in the form of compensation from my employer.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Work Injury
These injuries can be a thorn in your side, they could affect promotion if damages are fought for.
My nightmare started on 26th October 2007 on a flight from London to Lagos Nigeria, i was attempting to retrieve a first class duvet bag from the first class wardrobe but it was buried under three passenger bags which were over sized and overweight but the company allows this and turns a blind eye because it is "first class" and they have "a right" due to the extortionate fare they pay for their tickets.
As i attempted to pull the duvet bag out as i was not going to lift the bags or wake up passengers seated nearby, i did position myself correctly, feet flat on floor, knees slightly bent and gave a huge tug to release the bag. However the bag came out and so did something in my back. I was frozen to the spot for what seemed like hours but was only minutes as the pain was horrific and i did not know how i would move for the best comfort.
I managed to get back to the galley area and the pain must have been etched on my face as my colleagues immediately asked if i was ok.
It was towards the end of the flight so there was no more work to do except sit down for landing which was also painful.
I limped through the airport and took a hot bath once i managed to get to my room in the Sheraton, i slept badly as movement during sleep woke me up constantly, the next day i contacted the lady in charge of my flight and she supplied Ibruprofen and i also had a couple of paracetamols in my bag which saw me over until i got home.
A guy on the crew had been ill previously in Lagos and taken to hospital and the hygiene was horrific, a bucket was given to him with a ladle for drinking and flies and insects crawled all over the room.
I did not want to experience this first hand to lived on the painkillers, i have a Chiropractor appointment on 30th October and will seek a solution hopefully from him, well i do hope so as it is costing me £76.00 for a consultation and treatment of about one hour.
I also had some news of a company called O.H.Parsons and Partners who fight companies who's staff have been injured at work and all through the works union who i have already contacted.
I hope to find a solution to this as i cannot survive without my job but they must be held responsible for not monitoring what size and weight of baggage is being allowed onto the aircraft. The company supply large metal frames with a sign " if your bag does not fit in this frame it is too large for the aircraft" however i doubt they ever use them as some items are like suitcases and not wheelie bags.
The result is i am in pain, i can hardly sleep or get out of bed, trying to get up off the sofa is also a struggle and the poor dog is not getting long energetic walks as i cannot do them right now.
My nightmare started on 26th October 2007 on a flight from London to Lagos Nigeria, i was attempting to retrieve a first class duvet bag from the first class wardrobe but it was buried under three passenger bags which were over sized and overweight but the company allows this and turns a blind eye because it is "first class" and they have "a right" due to the extortionate fare they pay for their tickets.
As i attempted to pull the duvet bag out as i was not going to lift the bags or wake up passengers seated nearby, i did position myself correctly, feet flat on floor, knees slightly bent and gave a huge tug to release the bag. However the bag came out and so did something in my back. I was frozen to the spot for what seemed like hours but was only minutes as the pain was horrific and i did not know how i would move for the best comfort.
I managed to get back to the galley area and the pain must have been etched on my face as my colleagues immediately asked if i was ok.
It was towards the end of the flight so there was no more work to do except sit down for landing which was also painful.
I limped through the airport and took a hot bath once i managed to get to my room in the Sheraton, i slept badly as movement during sleep woke me up constantly, the next day i contacted the lady in charge of my flight and she supplied Ibruprofen and i also had a couple of paracetamols in my bag which saw me over until i got home.
A guy on the crew had been ill previously in Lagos and taken to hospital and the hygiene was horrific, a bucket was given to him with a ladle for drinking and flies and insects crawled all over the room.
I did not want to experience this first hand to lived on the painkillers, i have a Chiropractor appointment on 30th October and will seek a solution hopefully from him, well i do hope so as it is costing me £76.00 for a consultation and treatment of about one hour.
I also had some news of a company called O.H.Parsons and Partners who fight companies who's staff have been injured at work and all through the works union who i have already contacted.
I hope to find a solution to this as i cannot survive without my job but they must be held responsible for not monitoring what size and weight of baggage is being allowed onto the aircraft. The company supply large metal frames with a sign " if your bag does not fit in this frame it is too large for the aircraft" however i doubt they ever use them as some items are like suitcases and not wheelie bags.
The result is i am in pain, i can hardly sleep or get out of bed, trying to get up off the sofa is also a struggle and the poor dog is not getting long energetic walks as i cannot do them right now.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Bad Day
Do you ever have one of those days that you just feel like screaming. Today was a day like that, i was still having internet connection problems and wanted to throw my lap top through the window ( closed window) i think the sound of shattering glass would have been a wake up call.
The cooker was delivered without a galss lid, afeter many annoying telephones calls listening to dreadful music and then the 5th person i spoke to utters those words "let me put you through to someone else who will help you" and i wanted to stretch my arm down the telephone and grab them by the neck!!
The connection for the ove was not correct and i tried to email photographs to my dad, but guess what, internet not working. After calling British Gas for assistance and taking into account i pay £63.00 per month for gas assisted problems they would not help unless i was charged as i was not covered for gas cooker fitting. At this point i had no gas as i had turned it off due to the loose gas pipe in kitched waiting to be attached, this meant no heating, no hot water, no ways of cooking food, Now i would take that as an emergency!!
Ged's work colleague's son works for a gas related company ( naming no names due to moonlighting)He came to the rescue and fitted cooker and tested it, he checked metre for leaks and all was ok. A hero to the rescue.
Today is a new day, i have heating, although the "official" gas boiler check is due to be carried out between 12-6pm, the water upstairs is still warm and you can run a bath and get into it without using any cold water, the shower also keeps running hot and cold, but im not holding my breath as they have been here so many times and not really solved anything.
Don't you really hate it when you pay for a service and the company swapms you in all the good things they can do, they happily take your money but then keep taking it but are not supplying the service they had first offered. That should really be illegal!!!!!
I will name and shame these companies:-
The cooker was delivered without a galss lid, afeter many annoying telephones calls listening to dreadful music and then the 5th person i spoke to utters those words "let me put you through to someone else who will help you" and i wanted to stretch my arm down the telephone and grab them by the neck!!
The connection for the ove was not correct and i tried to email photographs to my dad, but guess what, internet not working. After calling British Gas for assistance and taking into account i pay £63.00 per month for gas assisted problems they would not help unless i was charged as i was not covered for gas cooker fitting. At this point i had no gas as i had turned it off due to the loose gas pipe in kitched waiting to be attached, this meant no heating, no hot water, no ways of cooking food, Now i would take that as an emergency!!
Ged's work colleague's son works for a gas related company ( naming no names due to moonlighting)He came to the rescue and fitted cooker and tested it, he checked metre for leaks and all was ok. A hero to the rescue.
Today is a new day, i have heating, although the "official" gas boiler check is due to be carried out between 12-6pm, the water upstairs is still warm and you can run a bath and get into it without using any cold water, the shower also keeps running hot and cold, but im not holding my breath as they have been here so many times and not really solved anything.
Don't you really hate it when you pay for a service and the company swapms you in all the good things they can do, they happily take your money but then keep taking it but are not supplying the service they had first offered. That should really be illegal!!!!!
I will name and shame these companies:-
Monday, 22 October 2007
Looking Back

I often lie awake at night thinking of the past and the good and bad things. London Gatwick Airport has played a big part in my life and i will always have a soft spot for the place.
The memories consist of great trips, happy flights, great social life and friends. I saw airlines come and go, Dan Air, Air Europe, Cityflyer and Paramount to name a few, the golden era of flying.
I even have flashbacks to great times when i hear certain songs expecially 80's classics like Luthur Vandross and Alexander O'Neill.
In those days the flight deck door was never looked and bolted or monitored by CCTV cameras, the door was open, we wandered in at our leisure, children would be taken to see the Captain with their over excited fathers who probably used the kids to get in there, this could make a childs holiday and it's a shame that those days are now gone due to the invention of the in flight terrorist.
In th 80's trips were longer, im not sure if that was a charter thing as we did not have daily flights to most places so when we flew longhaul we had to wait until the next flight came in for us to take home and that was 9 times out of 10 seven days later. I had a week off in Mombassa Kenya, Los Angeles, Bangkok, Bangor Maine, Orlando, Grenada in Caribbean. Also took Ged with me on trips so we had some great free holidays ( except the price of his ticket which was usually no more than £50 return)NO TAXES!!!!!!
I loved flying on the L1011 Tristar and the B747-200 with spiral staircase to the 12 seats upstairs. i was not keen on the 737-200 but quite liked the 757 ETOPS for short flights only however Caledonian would cram in 233 passenger in a 757 and send us to Bangkok via Bahrain with 12 non reclining seats and very cramped conditions, i did feel sorry for our passenger but then again it was charter and they probably chose us as we were the cheapest. The DC10 a great addition to the fleet allowed us to fly direct and not make refuelling stops.
Friday, 19 October 2007
An ok Day
What a day i had yesterday, the new cooker arrived and it was the wrong one, the gas board emergency service had to call as we could smell gas and i noticed £247.00 to a strange company had beed debited from my online bank account. Now i do spend a lot online but i do not recognise this at all so my card has been cancelled and fraud paperwork has been posted to me.
Technology was the talk of the day today when my plug in I-pod in car players arrived, one for dad for christmas and one for me. SO simple to operate, plug into car lighter socket, tune your car radio to a blank channel then tune the unit to same frequency and all your music plays through the car speakers, AMAZING!!! Megan has been like a puppy/spring lamb today, bouncing about on her walk this mornning and Ged took her out this afternoon while i installed the above and also gave the car a vacuum as Megan is terrified of the vaccum after getting the cable caught in her leg when she was a puppy and dragging the vaccum behind her as she ran away. She is the same with white vans and the bin lorry is not a favourite of hers.
It really cold today so first time i had worn a scarf and gloves since last winter but i love the crisp mornings and the winter period, it becomes all festive and Christmassy. I do hope i get Christmas off this year, well i should not complain as after 20 years i have never been away for Christmas and the nearest i have been is landing on Christmas Day and still being home in North East for Lunch, or being on Standby so parents had Christmas in the south and i did not get used for a flight until 2nd January.
Technology was the talk of the day today when my plug in I-pod in car players arrived, one for dad for christmas and one for me. SO simple to operate, plug into car lighter socket, tune your car radio to a blank channel then tune the unit to same frequency and all your music plays through the car speakers, AMAZING!!! Megan has been like a puppy/spring lamb today, bouncing about on her walk this mornning and Ged took her out this afternoon while i installed the above and also gave the car a vacuum as Megan is terrified of the vaccum after getting the cable caught in her leg when she was a puppy and dragging the vaccum behind her as she ran away. She is the same with white vans and the bin lorry is not a favourite of hers.
It really cold today so first time i had worn a scarf and gloves since last winter but i love the crisp mornings and the winter period, it becomes all festive and Christmassy. I do hope i get Christmas off this year, well i should not complain as after 20 years i have never been away for Christmas and the nearest i have been is landing on Christmas Day and still being home in North East for Lunch, or being on Standby so parents had Christmas in the south and i did not get used for a flight until 2nd January.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
The Funeral 16th October 2007
This started off at 0430 in the morning in Surrey, i jumped out of bed, showered and drove to Heathrow arriving at crew car park at 530am, i caught tha 0545 U3 bus from the Bath road to Terminal one central area and then walked through the tube station to check in. The flight at 0715 was not full so i got on ok on my staff ticket, and landed in Newcastle at 0825. I was met by mam and dad and we drove to the chapel of rest to see Aunty Bell and were led through a lovely decorated reception area to a nice lounge, tastefully decorated with two nice sofas. The owner came in and said the paperwork had not been signed so the body was still at University hospital. Mum and Dad knew there was a mix up as she was never in that hospital. He went top check and came back all apologetic as there were three people in that day all with the same surname of Robson so we almost saw the wrong body.
This was a start of fiascos, in the church the vicar/priest was Polish and his english was bad, plus he got her shortened life story all mixed up and there was no mention of her sister Eva who dies almost two years ago. The organise did not show up so there was no accompaniment to the Hymns. It turned into "CARRY ON DEATH" it's a good job Aunty Bell liked a laugh and had a good sense of humour.
We all went back to a local golf course for afternoon tea etc with the usual passing around or photographs and families catching up. We left so i could change for my flight home about 530pm and i was at the airport by 700pm, my flight took off at 810pm and landed at 925pm. I was back at home by 1045pm after a very long day. It was so nice to see all my family again but it always seems to be under the same circumstances of death. I do hope we have a happy event soon and not a sad one!!!!
This was a start of fiascos, in the church the vicar/priest was Polish and his english was bad, plus he got her shortened life story all mixed up and there was no mention of her sister Eva who dies almost two years ago. The organise did not show up so there was no accompaniment to the Hymns. It turned into "CARRY ON DEATH" it's a good job Aunty Bell liked a laugh and had a good sense of humour.
We all went back to a local golf course for afternoon tea etc with the usual passing around or photographs and families catching up. We left so i could change for my flight home about 530pm and i was at the airport by 700pm, my flight took off at 810pm and landed at 925pm. I was back at home by 1045pm after a very long day. It was so nice to see all my family again but it always seems to be under the same circumstances of death. I do hope we have a happy event soon and not a sad one!!!!
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Gone Forever

The telephone has been ringing on and off today and my heart skipped a beat every time. It was at 1800 this evening my mum called to deliver the news that my Aunty Bell had slipped away in her sleep after almost a week of being unconcious and without food or water and on very strong medication. He is obviously very upset and i took a late walk with the dog just to be on my own and deal with it in my own time.
She was not only my aunt but my godmother, she was also a second mother to my father who spent the school holidays living with her as his friends lived closer to her than they did to his parents. He slept downstairs on two armchairs pushed together. He now only has one living sister left and she is not really very well and it will be a downward slide for her now as her two sisters are dead.
Monday, 8 October 2007
Bad news awaited me when i arrived home after 4 atlantic crossing to New York in 5 days, two westbound and two eastbound. My fathers oldest sister has been scanned after a short period of illness and she has cancer of the colon and spreading up to brain. Her life is almost over and is now in a home, unconcious, on Morphine and has not eaten for four days.
I have my annual exams coming up which i need to pass to continue to fly in my job otherwise i would have gone up north to see her before anything awful happens as she is not onloy my aunty but my godmother.This i feel guilty about but i will see how things go after my exams and she will then be my first priority.
My friends fly to Montreal today to join Fred Olsen Cruis ship Black Watch to cruise from Montreal to Nassau, they are currently at Gatwick waiting for their flight to Montreal to join the ship, they get back in 20 days and then cruise again 5 days later in Mediterranean. Lucky Devils!!!
I have my annual exams coming up which i need to pass to continue to fly in my job otherwise i would have gone up north to see her before anything awful happens as she is not onloy my aunty but my godmother.This i feel guilty about but i will see how things go after my exams and she will then be my first priority.
My friends fly to Montreal today to join Fred Olsen Cruis ship Black Watch to cruise from Montreal to Nassau, they are currently at Gatwick waiting for their flight to Montreal to join the ship, they get back in 20 days and then cruise again 5 days later in Mediterranean. Lucky Devils!!!
Monday, 1 October 2007
01st October 2007
Well i attempted a walk this morning, at a slow pace things were ok, what a relief, little Megans injury seems to have been a strain, Thank you God!!
I am going to work tomorrow and my dog walker doing tomorrow afternoon and in charge all day Wednesday and i was worried how she was going to cope so now i will heave a sigh of relief as today i saw the improvement i was so praying for.
It the first week we have ahd the central heating on, a sign of winter on its way. Leaves are constantly being raked in the garden and it wont be long before the annoying bonfire night arrives and the once, one night of torture for animals can now last weeks as fireworks are sold off cheaply after the event and hence it never seems to end. Will have to do some christmas shopping soon or the big day will be here before i can turn around.
I am going to work tomorrow and my dog walker doing tomorrow afternoon and in charge all day Wednesday and i was worried how she was going to cope so now i will heave a sigh of relief as today i saw the improvement i was so praying for.
It the first week we have ahd the central heating on, a sign of winter on its way. Leaves are constantly being raked in the garden and it wont be long before the annoying bonfire night arrives and the once, one night of torture for animals can now last weeks as fireworks are sold off cheaply after the event and hence it never seems to end. Will have to do some christmas shopping soon or the big day will be here before i can turn around.
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