Friday 19 October 2007

An ok Day

What a day i had yesterday, the new cooker arrived and it was the wrong one, the gas board emergency service had to call as we could smell gas and i noticed £247.00 to a strange company had beed debited from my online bank account. Now i do spend a lot online but i do not recognise this at all so my card has been cancelled and fraud paperwork has been posted to me.
Technology was the talk of the day today when my plug in I-pod in car players arrived, one for dad for christmas and one for me. SO simple to operate, plug into car lighter socket, tune your car radio to a blank channel then tune the unit to same frequency and all your music plays through the car speakers, AMAZING!!! Megan has been like a puppy/spring lamb today, bouncing about on her walk this mornning and Ged took her out this afternoon while i installed the above and also gave the car a vacuum as Megan is terrified of the vaccum after getting the cable caught in her leg when she was a puppy and dragging the vaccum behind her as she ran away. She is the same with white vans and the bin lorry is not a favourite of hers.
It really cold today so first time i had worn a scarf and gloves since last winter but i love the crisp mornings and the winter period, it becomes all festive and Christmassy. I do hope i get Christmas off this year, well i should not complain as after 20 years i have never been away for Christmas and the nearest i have been is landing on Christmas Day and still being home in North East for Lunch, or being on Standby so parents had Christmas in the south and i did not get used for a flight until 2nd January.

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