Wednesday 27 February 2008

27th Feb 2008

A strange day today, i had it all planned, walk dog, go to Tesco's shopping, call vet to arrange an appointment but i did all but the vet call, i suppose if he finds something awful wrong with Megan i then have cause to worry properly rather than speculate or pretend everything is ok.

She did limp this morning briefly but has been fine, Angela my dog walker told me one of her other dogs that she walks has a similar problem and with medication from the vet has turned back into a spritely puppy so i don't know why i am putting it off so long.

Mam and Dad are in Richmond Yorkshire for a two night break and " good for them" i say, they deserve that and much more in my eyes, shame others don't think like me but that's another blog entry!!!!!

Richmond is a lovely town, nice buildings and quite historic so i am sure they will be walking a lot and taking it all in.

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