The photographs below are the Intercontinental hotel which is stuck in th 70's, these pictures were taken on my last trip when i was graced with the bright orange floor, other floors can be bright blue, vivid green or if your lucky and updated floor wirh neutral colours which is what i would hope for.
The internet runs very slowly and is almost a waste of money but it passes the time as we are confined to the hotel complex and not allowed out.
The country is dangerous and corrupt, the people can be quite rude in their culture and like to "hiss" to attract people's attention which in the uk is classed as unpolite and rude. Similar to India where they shake their heads from side to side but will not say thank you as this action is a way of saying thank you in india, so once you understand people's cultures it is easy to understand them and how different we can be a British and we are not always right.
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