Sunday 10 February 2008

Samsonitegate is over!!!!

I was in Los Angeles and i received a text from to say my suitcase had shown up and i had to text back an address they could deliver it too.
This i did and within 5 hours Ged text me to say it had arrived and it was mine.
I was worried my jewellery and laptop would be missing but as you see by previous posts i am typing in lower case and the type is not all over the place like it was.

I was as excited to see my suitcase as i was to see Megan the dog and she is my life and best friend so to see all my things was great.

The washing was not even smelly after being in there for six weeks and i have enjoyed doing the laundry today however i will make this "lesson learnt"...laptops have NO place inside a suitcase and neither has any other valueables. I will also tape my name and address inside the case and have a name and contact number on the outside as well.

I hope never to have to go through this again as living out of a suitcase up to 180 days a year it is like home from home for crew and we carry things around the world that others don't eg family photographs and many other personal items.

Welcome Home Suitcase and Never do that again!!!!!

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