It is such a strange job i do, i spend so much time alone i sort of love my own company, things do get lonely though and today as i waited and waited for Rhapsody Of The Seas to sail it started to rain and i just sat on the cold concrete by the harbour and let the rain fall on me, i could have cried, but i thought if i get really wet i could feel even more sorry for myself.
I do enjoy taking pictures of cruise ships, i sort of have the attraction to them as i did for aeroplanes when i was 10-11 years old, now i do that job i have gone off them altogether, it is a sort of " glamourous from the outside looking in".
I bought two pairs of jeans today and will give them both to Ged as they do not fit me ( boo hoo!!!!) Also got a twin set for mam for her birthday and some nice costume jewellery for Mothers day on 2nd March which is really early this year as usually around Mam's birthday, 25th-26th.
Also bought locks, luggage tags and luggage straps as really paranoid about losing my luggage again so taking no risks.
I do feel like i am suffering from depression, i have a constant feeling of death around me all day, my thoughts are:- What will i do when mam dies??? What will i do when dad dies? Who will die first? Who will cope better on their own? What will i do when Megan dies? How will i cope with that, indeed how will i cope with anything but it does torture me on a daily basis. I never seek help as i always think i can manage this myself but how far can one cope alone without help before something snaps.
I have not had a conversation with anyone for two days now as this job is getting worse for socialising, i do have 17 years left flying and i sometimes wish it was 17 days as it is not like it used to be in th 80's, back then when i was in my twenties i was always told by the older crew then " it is not like it was in the 60's-70's, this is obviously a generational thing and it's true.
Companies these days are all into profit profit profit, yes it is important for a successful business but to not have any respect or care for your workforce is a bad thing, it creates bad feeling and low morale, this often is carried forward to our customers through attitude and unhappy, tired faces.
I must admit having my suitcase returned was like winning the lottery and i will never put anything of value inside it ever again, lesson learnt!!!!
A lovely boat lit up
A rare sight in Hong Kong is the typical Chinese Junk WITH the sails in full use.
It had just been Chinese New Year so some of the decorations still adorned buildings and boats.
Rhapsody of the Seas ready for it's 7 night cruise around Asia.
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