Monday 24 March 2008

Sao-Paulo Flight

It is becoming difficult to work and fly with junior Pursers, they work as if they are the only people who know how to do the job and have no faith in the invaluable experience they have working for them, i now have 20 years flying experience and do not appreciate the constant " are you ok" comments and " do you know what your doing".
This trip is a typical example of that and of British Airways blunders and miss-management, the two crew working on the upper deck, business class, 20 passengers, 4 pilots, apparently have had complaints from passengers about their inadequate service styles, this has been noted by th Senior crew member and she has asked me to do the rest of the trip upstairs as she nees experience up there, this does not bother me, what bothers me is the fact that i will have to cope with 4 demanding pilots, always wanting something and the busiest times,they will be asking for First Class food when they know they cannot have it so i will not even go down that road with them, i will remain consistant to company standards then i cannot be accountable if there is a problem.
Cathy Lloyd from pantomime days is First class Purser and she has Barry her husband with her, a nice guy but a heart attack waiting to happen as he is so overweight, he really should do something about that.
Cathy could not believe that i had not done a Pantomime since 2001 ( now 2008) and that i had not seen Andy since 2004 ( my 40th party).
I suppose the way i have secluded myself from the outside world has not helped, i did not attend Andy's 40th in Jersey when he came to mine, i have never been to see the last six Pantomimes since i left and i have heard of friends who were once close are now married and i did not know or even get an invite, maybe because people know they will be wasting their time as i always refuse to go anywhere or make excuses.
I did not even go to Peter's 50th in Belgium and he made such an effort to attend my 40th in 2004.
Shame on me!!!

I was just doing research on Bi-Polar disorder and it said the medication can cause weight gain.....NO WAY will i be taking any of those pills.!!!!

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