Have you ever been walking down a street and a couple are walking towards you taking up all of the pavement as they are either holding hands or he has his arm around her, why don't they think the person coming towards them may want to walk past them.
Supermarkets.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr women who decide to stop in the middle of an aisle and chat and gossip...how am i supposed to get passed them.....RAM THEM!!!!
We seem to be in an era now where " tough " or so called " tough" people do not feel "tough" unless they have ab agressive pit bull terrier at their side for back up, how sad is that!! Also how scary is it for people like me who walk their dogs innocently and have to cross roads and avoid these yobs who usually do not have their dogs on leads and get them to obey by loud agressive commands.
Passengers really do not piss me off....they are self centred,selfish individuals who think they are something special and i am the slave....NO WAY JOSE!!!! i am always quite happy to put them in their place.
Celebrities....i really despise the word "star" what is so special about someone who works on a tv set!!! They earn too much money and also introduce friends family to the business to line their pockets. I work really hard for a monthly salary that a so called " star" would carry round as loose change, where is the fairness in that!!
Footballers...hate them...too much money for too little talent....when did the UK last win a major tournamnent..i rest my case!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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