Sunday 5 December 2010


Why do we do it, just googled Megan's ailments and find myself crying like a baby, she cannot lie down to sleep and I am looking at her now falling asleep sitting up, her eyes are red and being Sunday there is nothing I can do, the pills do not seem to have worked and after a week on the sofa with little or no sleep I am exhausted. I loathe going to the vets as I convince myself all is ok, this time it's not and I need to get her some help and more medication to ease her poor old body. It's only a couple of weeks to Christmas and I do anything to make it a happy one. Aunty Nancy is hanging on in there but not eating, family take it in shifts and stay with her 24 hours a day sleeping in her room in the hospital bolt upright in those uncomfortable chairs! I have always stressed how awful for anyone or anything to die at this time of year, my cousin Jills dog died two weeks ago, Aunty Nancy is terminally ill and now Megan. It's just all too much!

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