Monday 6 December 2010


After night 7 on the sofa with none or little sleep I took Megan to vets and he wants to do x rays tomorrow as there is something wrong! He would have done it there and them but was full up and no space for another, a bit like Mary and Joseph, no room at the inn!! She does not seem to be wheezing and gagging so much but when she does it is pretty distressing for her and me! Let's hope the problem is solved and we have another Christmas with her I just have visions of vet calling me tomorrow to say there is a serious problem and she should be put out if her misery or she does not survive the anaesthetic! Sobbing now just typing this for anyone reading this please say a prayer for my little girl before you go to sleep. My aunt is hanging on in there but deteriorating daily and still lots of snow up north hampering the daily trek to the hospital for mum and dad!

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