Tuesday 14 December 2010


Well Megan has gone, passed away, left us forever, my heart is broken, even stumbling across her in pet cemetery chapel of rest is a sight I will never get out of my head, however she looked peaceful, serene, and just like she was fast asleep on the carpet in the lounge. We miss her dreadfully and we now have her ashes it makes us feel like she is home again but in a different form, her body may have been lying in the chapel before cremation but her spirit was still on the sofa next to me or Ged! R.I.P our gorgeous girl, we love you, miss you, miss your intelligent personality , your kisses and cuddles but most of all your presence in our home. Thank you for making everyone smile who ever met you, I was proud to have you as my pet and the memories will be with me forever, you are in our thoughts, dreams, prayers and still a big part of each day even if just in spirit. I cannot express in writing what you meant to us, I cry daily and will for a long time yet, hope you know Megan that we did this to take away your pain and suffering, we always said you would leave us with dignity and you did. I hope you saw us crying, hugging you, kissing you and leaving gifts for you so you would not be alone in your new life on the other side. I feel tour presence in the house and you will spend Christmas where you always did, in the north east! Merry Christmas Megan X x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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