Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Hospital Radio

I wonder what this open evening will be like, there is something about giving your services free to people who are sick and dying, always people worse off than ourselves, this was always instilled in me from my parents, no matter how rough we feel or how much an injustice is being placed upon us there will always be someone, somewhere worse off. My ideal future would still be to move back home to the north east , have a nice home, see my parents and extended family more often, breathe fresh air, nice walks, great scenery, friendly people, but there is a "BUT" and that's a job!!!! So happy in the one I have, i still look forward to going to work after 22 years, meeting new friends and colleagues and as the sickly expression goes "passengers get on as strangers and leave as friends" this can be so true and I have friends all over the world that were once just passengers! I must be doing something right! I cannot remember how many Bravo awards I have for excellent customer service , and my assessments (appraisals) were always well above standard! As I keep saying I want my life back.

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