Monday, 29 November 2010

My Poor Aunty

Welcome to the NHS. Doctor came to see her and she needs to be in hospital but they are all full as no one being discharged due to serious weather conditions and the deep snow, ambulances only used for major emergencies, caters unable to get to homes, one option was a two hour plus wait in hospital corridor in the cold, not ideal. Dad really upset and worried, she us do close to me and I cannot get to see her, this time of year too!! Her three daughters and son are taking turns to stay with her in her sheltered accommodation which is only one bedroom so Joan has the sofa and Cynthia had the reclining chair. It's a shame how such a lovely lady who worked all her life and paid her national insurance should be subject to such minimum care. I am hoping I will be able to visit her soon, hopefully before it's too late. I am at time of my life when this will start being a regular occurrence as nothing or nobody lasts forever . Death is something I find very hard to deal with being such an emotional person, but I have months of nothing then every single thing that a person could endure knocks on my door at the same time. My angel is all ready for their ride to Heathrow tomorrow, wish me luck. Also hope I get my home pc home soon as need to order stuff for Christmas and iPhones, although possible are not ideal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice post. I really love reading these types or articles. I can?t wait to see what others have to say.