Friday 19 November 2010

megan update

Woke up this morning at 0700 to Megan wheezing like you would hear a human asthmatic panting and wheezing. I came downstairs and lay with her before calling the vet at 0900. We took her at end of surgery at 1040 and they took blood and they will call me back later with results. The excess drinking could lead them down the diabetes road so that would make two of us! Poor Ballent is burying Oscar his beagle in their garden tomorrow. Such a sad time when we should all be getting into the Christmas spirit but with all that's going on I doubt that is going to be possible. One bit of good news, i received a cheque this morning from premium bonds for £25.00. That won't even cover the vets basic walk in charge of £28.00 plus blood tests and medication. 1600 update, Megan had an infection in her pancreas and is on anti-biotics for a week, she also has a high white blood cell count and was a little mire settled when I got home from picking up her medication. It seems we are all on the wars as my crown fell out my tooth today and took myself off to dentist who discovered an abcess under the root of the tooth and with all the work involved it will cost £740.00. my other option was for him to replace old crown and for me to return at an alternative time , cost £70.00.

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